About Bedford, Louis & Ellicott, LLC
Providing actionable counsel to drive business growth.
Many overloaded business owners and busy entrepreneurs have a need to resolve issues that require specialized expertise. This is why they go looking for professional consultants who can provide the knowledge and experience they lack.
At Bedford, Louis & Ellicott, we believe that your business should support your lifestyle.
That means that you should build the type of business that helps you live the lifestyle you want to live.
We’ve seen so many business owners end up building the businesses that trap them into a lifestyle that’s just like their 9-5 job…or worse.
To avoid this, let us work with you and we’ll help you put in place the right business processes in Marketing, Operations, and Organization.
We will help you work on your business, not just in it.
years of
What We Do

Constant Communication
Work with our professionals to outline your individual business steps. We are ready to receive you at our offices in Maryland, Ohio, Oklahoma, Texas, Maine, and Pennsylvania. You can also visit us online.
Experienced Business Consultants
Get Hands-On Experience
Whether you’re already well established or just starting, our experts will help you overcome challenges, increase revenue, and grow your business.
It helps if your consultant has relevant business experience before you hire them to help you. We have proven experience internally and externally and look forward to helping you.
If you are tired of being tired and doing the same thing without the results you desire, then give us a call. Partner with The BLE Group and get ready for the increase!

Strategy and Planning
We help clients through planning, processes, and strategy. Clients partner with experienced consultants to plan the necessary steps for their business.

Gain Business Knowledge
Add executive-level training help and experience, as needed, to assist with key objectives. BLE services quickly add measurable value to clients from the start through business experience.

Marketing Services
A business requires marketing services to develop momentum. Our marketing services ensure quality and results-driven marketing campaigns for your business.
Contact Us
We would love to have you as a new client.

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Tune in to our latest episode where we discuss The Entrepreneurial Self-Study Guide.